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Transforming work

Friday 23 and Friday 30 July 2021


  • 27 presentations over the course of two days
  • Access to up to 21 hours of CPD content


Program streams

A full program covering three concurrent streams. Each stream will focus on a different theme to ensure diverse topics and allow a multitude of presentation options to attendees.

  1. Performance and wellbeing: This stream focuses on the impact that organisational psychologists and HR professionals have in enhancing individual and team performance, with a focus on interventions across the employee lifecycle.
  2. Leadership and strategy: This stream focuses on strategic organisational management issues, the workforce and employee considerations that executive leaders and boards need to be aware of, and how to ensure workforce strategy is aligned to organisational goals and business objectives.
  3. The cutting edge: This stream focuses on the latest research and state-of-the-art topics in organisational psychology, with consideration for innovations in the field and how psychologists are responding to business advancements and new technologies.

Our keynote presenters

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

The CPD requirements for psychologists are determined by the Psychology Board of Australia (PsyBA). Registered psychologists are required to complete a set number of continuing professional development hours as a requirement of ongoing registration.

The APS no longer accredits or approves for CPD for psychologists. Further information about CPD requirements for psychologists can be found on the PsyBA website.

It is up to individual psychologists to assess how CPD events meet the requirements of their individual learning plan. If audited by the PsyBA, psychologists must be able to justify selection of particular CPD activities according to their individual learning needs. This can most easily be achieved by marking the sessions in which you have participated on your conference program so that you can enter the relevant details into the APS CPD logging tool.

A certificate of attendance, along with the evaluation survey, will be sent electronically to all attendees the week after the conference.

Program times

The start/finish times as per below.

  Start time Finish time

Australian Eastern Standard Time (AEST)

10.00 am 4.30pm

Australian Central Standard Time (ACST)
- SA, NT

9.30 am 4.00pm
Australian Western Standard Time (AWST)
- WA
8.00 am 2.30pm
New Zealand Standard Time (NZST) 12.00 pm 6.30pm

Find out more about your time zone here.

All presentations will be recorded and available on-demand after the event for up to three months.