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How much does seeing a psychologist cost?

The fees that psychologists charge vary, and depend on the type of service being offered and the setting in which they work. Your psychologist will advise you at the outset about the fees they charge.

Private practice services

Private psychologists set their own rates. To find out what it might cost you, you can contact a psychologist directly or visit their website for their schedule of fees 

The APS National Schedule of Suggested Fees 2024-2025 has the standard 46 to 60-minute consultation fee at $311. This is a suggestion only. The fee at which a service is set is at the discretion of the individual psychologist so it is important to discuss this with your psychologist or clinic manager.

Medicare rebated services

You might be eligible to claim for your psychologist consultation through Medicare. 

People who can claim Medicare benefits include (but are not limited to):

People with mental health disorders

Children with an autism spectrum disorder (under 13 years for a diagnostic assessment; under 15 years for treatment)

Children with a disability including sight impairment, hearing impairment, Cerebral palsy, Down syndrome and Fragile X syndrome (under 13 years for a diagnostic assessment; under 15 years for treatment)

Women concerned about a current pregnancy, or one that occurred in the previous 12 months

People who have a chronic medical condition and complex care needs

Follow-up allied health services for people of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent.

To be eligible to receive psychological services under Medicare, you must be referred by your GP or in some instances by a psychiatrist, paediatrician or consultant physician

Community-based low or no-cost services

If you have mental health concerns, you might be able to access a psychological consultation at no or low cost; for example, if you are a veteran, a victim of crime, or have a workplace injury.

Children, youth, and adults of all ages with mental health disorders can also find government-funded services via community health centres or your local council.

Contact your GP, local council, local community health service or relevant government department to find services available in your area.

Health insurance rebated services

Contact your private health insurance provider to find out if they offer part rebates for psychological consultations.

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