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APS 15th Industrial and Organisational Psychology Conference

Transforming the world of work

SAVE THE DATE | Thursday 24 - Saturday 26 October 2024 I PERTH, WA

Thomas Price

Thomas Price is a Human Factors Consultant with Human Systems. In 2016 Thomas completed his Master’s Degree in Psychology (Organisational & Human Factors) with Adelaide University. After also completing a Graduate Industry Placement with DST Group in 2016, Thomas was contracted to DST Group’s Land Human Systems Branch. In addition to his work for Defence, Thomas has also been involved in projects such as business process reviews and human-system interface design projects for other clients. With a focus on cognitive psychology and human factors, Thomas now works on applied projects of soldier cognition and performance. This includes aspects of situational awareness and cognitive burden as well as stress and visual perception, particularly in the context of night fighting operations.