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COVID-19: Medicare funded psychology services

The following frequently asked questions aim to address some of the key questions about accessing Medicare-funded psychological services related to the impacts of COVID-19.

How has my access to Medicare funded psychology sessions changed since COVID-19 began in Australia?

On 13 March 2020, new COVID-19 Medicare items were introduced to allow clients to access up to 10 bulk-billed psychological services delivered by telehealth (i.e., videoconference or phone) in a calendar year. These  measures were introduced by the Federal Government to protect Australians from the coronavirus. Psychologists, doctors, nurses, and other mental health allied health workers can provide these services.

The Government announced that from 7 August 2020 an additional 10 Medicare subsidised Psychological therapy sessions would be provided to those people who have used their 10 initial sessions. 

How do I access up to 10 psychological sessions?

You will need to make an appointment with your GP, psychiatrist, or paediatrician, as they will need to assess whether you can benefit from counselling with a psychologist. If they agree that it would be beneficial, they will provide you with a Mental Health Care Plan so that you can access counselling with a Psychologist under the Better Access to Mental Health Care Initiative.

What do I need to do if I have used up my 10 sessions and still need further counselling?

To access the 10 additional services you will not require a new Mental Health Treatment Plan but you will need to have a review with your referring practitioner (GP, psychiatrist, or paediatrician) at the completion of your initial 10 sessions, and be provided with a referral to access sessions 11-20. Your medical practitioner will assess whether you can benefit from further counselling. You can access the additional sessions once only between 7 August 2020 and 30 June 2022.

Can I access any Psychologist?

Under the scheme a psychologist must be registered with Medicare and have a provider number to be able to provide services under the Better Access scheme.

Can I request a referral to a specific psychologist?

If your Doctor assesses that you require the services of a psychologist they may recommend a psychologist they they are familiar with. You may however, request a specific psychologist of your choice. The psychologist must have a Medicare Provider Number for you to be able to claim the Medicare rebate.

What will I have to pay for psychology services?

The cost to you will vary depending on the fee that the psychologist charges.  If the psychologist bulk bills, you will not have to pay anything.

However, if the psychologist does not bulk bill, you will need to pay the difference between what fee the psychologist charges you (set by them) and the Medicare rebate. The APS sets recommended fees which you may want to view.

Can I use my private health insurance to cover any additional costs?

You cannot use your private health insurance ancillary cover to pay any additional costs above the Medicare rebates for these services. You need to decide whether you will use Medicare or your private health insurance ancillary cover to pay for the psychological services you receive.

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