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Tips for psychologists and others working with LGBTQI+ people

Building the capacity of psychologists and others to work effectively with LGBTQI+ clients is very important, and particularly so in the aftermath of the marriage equality postal survey and debates in Parliament.  

Whilst the passing of marriage equality legislation in Australia is an extremely welcome outcome, the damaging nature of the debate and the campaigning it involved has been detrimental to the health and wellbeing of many LGBTQI+ people and families.  A number of agencies reported an increased demand for psychological support services from members of the LGBTQI+ community.

This information sheet is designed to help psychologists and others to provide sensitive care to members of the LGBTQI+ community and their families, particularly in the aftermath of the survey and subsequent parliamentary vote in support of marriage equality.  Information includes how to:

  • Create a welcoming and inclusive environment in your organisation or practice
  • Develop a reflective practice around working with LGBTQI+ clients
  • Be sensitive to the lasting effects of the period around the marriage equality postal survey and debate in Parliament on LGBTQI+ clients and their families
  • Keep yourself informed.

View information sheet