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College of Counselling Psychologists Doctoral Award

The APS College Of Counselling Psychologists Doctoral Award promotes the conduct of scientific research relevant to practice issues and the dissemination of research findings to the community of counselling psychologist practitioners by acknowledging the overall best student completing an APAC-accredited doctoral program in Counselling Psychology at an Australian tertiary institution in that calendar year.


  1. The APS College Of Counselling Psychologists Doctoral Award is the responsibility of the APS College of Counselling Psychologists, who will also fund the Award.
  2. The APS College of Counselling Psychologists will appoint a selection committee of three people from the National Committee of the College, to be responsible for recommending an appropriate recipient to the Board.
  3. The research supervisor of any candidate is excluded from participating as a member of the selection committee.


Candidates must be full-time or part-time students currently enrolled in an APAC-accredited counselling psychology doctoral program either at the time of application or in the year preceding the date of their nomination.

Nomination process

  1. The APS College of Counselling Psychologists will call for nominations annually from program coordinators for counselling psychology doctoral programs conducted throughout Australia. 
  2. Nominations should be submitted to the Chair of the National Committee of the College prior to 31 July each year and include:
    1. the name and address of the nominee
    2. a copy of the thesis
    3. the contact details of a proposer and seconder
    4. the contact details for two referees, each different from the proposer and seconders.

To nominate for this award, click here.

Selection criteria

  1. Each doctoral thesis will be assessed having regard to the following criteria: 
    1. originality of contribution to counselling psychology literature - 30% 
    2. degree of relevance to the practice of counselling psychology - 30% 
    3. cogency of the work - 30% 
    4. presentation and adherence to APA referencing requirements - 10%.
  2. Each member of the selection committee will independently rate each entrant on the above criteria and the successful candidate and runner-up will be selected upon the basis of the aggregate of the marks awarded by each member of the selection committee.
  3. In the event that two theses receive the same aggregate of marks, the members of the selection committee will confer and may consider any other aspects in addition to those set out above in order to determine which thesis is best overall.
  4. Following a specific request from a student, members of the selection committee may provide general feedback on a student's thesis, but are not obliged to do so.

Value of the award

  1. Successful candidates for the APS College Of Counselling Psychologists Doctoral Award will: 
    1. Have their name published via APS Digital Communication Channels;
    2. Be invited to prepare their doctoral thesis as a poster presentation for inclusion in the next APS Annual Conference Program occurring after their receipt of the Award
    3. Receive an award of $250 and a certificate
  2. The successful candidate will have the award presented to them at an APS College of Counselling psychologists event in their home state.

Closing date

Nominations close 31 July.

To nominate for this award, click here.

For any further information, please contact:
Member Groups Administrator
Tel: 1800 333 497
Email: [email protected]


Previous winners

2023 Not Awarded
2022 Not Awarded
2021 Not Awarded
2020 Not Awarded
2019 Not Awarded
2018 Daniel Shaw
2017 not awarded


not awarded


Samantha Warren


Ann Pensom


Geraldine Lockley


Sharae Cpoughlan


Katie Wyman, Swinburne University


Sophie Bilicki-Holmes, Swinburne University


Filia Papadimitriou, Swinburne University
Thesis title: Motherhood Motivation